Letter From The Editrix

The Story of Editrix (ed·i·trix a female editor) is steeped in my years of experience as a magazine beauty editor. I reported from the front lines of the wellness industry for some of world’s leading fashion titles; I wrote articles on yogis and biohacking fasts, I visited far-flung retreats, covered backstage during fashion week and poured over a ceaseless parade of new beauty products that landed on my desk each day.
At that time, I was forging my own path to wellness through a transformational healer I grew to know. I radically shifted my concept of beauty and leaned into reclaiming my health. I gave away all the free beauty products that lined every inch of my Brooklyn apartment. Suddenly, women stopped me on the street asking me what made my skin glow.

a moment of magical clarity.
While visiting my sister at her research lab at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles where she is a pioneering microbiologist on the gut microbiome, it occurred to me that we are chasing beauty and vitality but ignoring how the ancient and invisible world of the body's microbiome facilitates this quest.
I ultimately left the world of editorial but I will forever be an Editrix—no longer reporting on runway trends but editing timeless ingredients and innovating new ways to connect the dots between science and wellness for our common good.
Editrix is the culmination of this philosophy—a reckoning of health, spirit and science colliding.